Take a time out to rediscover why im here
For a second hold the claps take a minute to blind the cheers
I don’t mind the mere admiration some may have for me
I don’t mind the high hopes but its vital that I see
And recognize the true meaning of existence
Though sometimes the comprehension of it may seem at a distance
I understand living in the moment and letting reality flow over my shoulders
Like a waterfall, like rocks they stand as boulders
Sometimes blocking the truths that are apparent to some
Not to me in this case, so minus one
It is not that I am naïve
I just at times find it hard to fully believe
That what is placed before me can be false
When everything about the situation seems so boss
So superior, so pertinent and without any chances of being invalid
Its like im anticipating a reward, some sort of allowance
and in the end it is only me still guessing
still waiting on the answer, some form of blessing
so maybe it is I who needs to do be doing the rediscovering
not those who observe the lady in the confident covering
when it all sums up, just like now im left speechless
with a piercing silence that’s telling me to ‘wake up!’
‘you have yet to learn what your peak is’
-Lola Maxwell