My homie Travis throwin up the Lola Maxwell sign! Can you dig it? I'm startin a new trend. If you got a webcam or w/e type of camera PLEASE throw it up & send ya photo to
[BET removed the vids due to copyright claims -- blown!]
Soo, I didn't catch the BET Hip Hop Awards this year, on time anyway [im sure they're gonna play it like 30 more times], I did, however, surf the web and to see if anything major happened. From what I found so far, nothing spectacular happened. I did view the videos of the cypher they had goin on with a few of my favorite emcees included. All it was missin was me, hahaha. Check the vids if you haven't yet:
Part III
-Nicki did her thing, she's also quite hilarious to watch haha -Crown Royal put a smile on my face, i was diggin his flow -Joe Budden.. damn, lol -1st time hearin my man Buckshot.. okay okay i see u slim
Part II
-Wale reppin for DC, yep! -Nipsey remind me of Snoop, lol -Gsan switchin up the language was dope -I LOVE KRS!!!! YOU SEE THAT ENERGY?!? YOU FEEL THAT LANGUAGE?! "forget that chart man, get wit ya heart!"
I was never a great fan of Rihanna's but this is not a post to bash anybody. Before the incident in the past I loved Chris Brown's music. I'm also not a fan of woman beater's -- but not gonna touch that subject. After hearing new music from both camps I've come to the conclusion that Chris is coming back hard and packing a lot of heat. Rihanna on the other hand.. eh, not so much. "Russian Roulette", in my opinion, was not a good track to come out with as a single, especially if she's promoting her long awaited album "The Wait is Ova". I understand she's good girl gone bad blah blah blah, but the song seems a bit, i dont know, suicidal. Don't get me wrong, the melodies and lyrics all work together well but I just don't consider it a single-worthy song. Remember, this is my opinion. Listening to Chris Brown's "Crawl" about 10 minutes ago, I instantly saw him making his way back to the top. The boy is extremely talented in so many aspects. I'm glad he didn't let all that bashing get to him. So, with all that said, good luck to both artists on their careers.
This is a short film I viewed in my free time via All I have to say about this is..
I didn't know Kanye had such a theatrical side. I mean, I knew he was creative but the confetti or whatever that substance was that came out of his stomach symbolizing blood near the end triggered something inside me. Awww and the little.. well, I'm not gonna spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. To be honest, I was really captivated by this short film to the point where I almost cried. Maybe it's the artist in me, I dont know. But, when I first started watching I thought it was going to be lame. Well, Mr. West fooled me. I loved it.
This has to be what goes through 90% of females' minds whenever they're taking that walk to wherever that seems like the longest walk ever! Lol, it's funny because I go through this almost everyday. Talking to myself about the next guy who doesn't quite know what to say out of his mouth. The only thing the video didn't touch base on is when the guys slow down their cars just to ride along to your tempo. Haha, its quite comical. And yeah, its annoying but it's also flattering. I mean come on, what girl doesnt like compliments?? Exactly. I just wish the vocabulary of the males wasn't so limited to "Damn ma, how you doin?" or the infamous "Where your man at?". Lol, so funny. I swear that walk on those words just seem almost inescapable. Enjoy the vid =)
I know I'm late as shyt with the post but whateva. Hands down, Mary J Blige is my all-time favorite R&B artist. AHH! love her!! Here's her vid for "The One" ft Drake.
I love colors so I was automatically pulled in by the first 5 seconds. And the dancers look GREAT! One of em actually remind me of my besty @princedari =)
Here's a single from my upcoming project "From the Planet of the Greats..." rightfully titled "Champion (To Infinity)" featuring Dahc Christian and Intalek.. enjoy!
Actually havent gotten a chance to listen it because links werent acting right and the internet connection im stealing from next door is rather slow, haha. BUT! I have no doubt that Ra is bringin that heat. Let's go femcees!!
Okay so, this past weekend my school had its first Fall Ball and hopefully not its last. First off, let me tell you I was drunk as shyt and the majority of everyone attended the event was as well. My roommate and I left for the shindig at around 11pm and I got back to the apt @ 12. Yeah.. one hour later. And let me tell you, it was good that I did because while I was there I had the urge to fight somebody. I don't know what it was, maybe it was the Cuervo.. maybe. But I've never wanted to engage in any wreckless activity such as a fist fight while I was drunk. Anyway, while my ass is at home trying to compose myself fights, more like brawls, are breaking out all along Broad st and pedestrians are getting hit by cops. Crazy, right? Well, someone decided to video tape the madness, which she rightfully titled "Brawl on Broad". Check out the video below: